Toussaint Colombani movie list

My name is Toussaint Colombani, I am 34 years old. I graduated from the Brussels Conservatory in Dramatic Art and I have a license in image techniques obtained at Inraci. I have been playing for theater and cinema in Brussels for about ten years and at the same time, I developed an audiovisual production company "La Belle Équipe Productions" which celebrated its 5th anniversary this year. In theaters, I had the chance to play multiple parts on various scenes, such as Nick in "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?" at Théâtre Le Public, Raymond Rambert in "La Peste" at Théâtre des Galeries or Hémon in "Antigone" at Théâtre Royal du Parc among a few other parts. For television, i played among other parts Pablo Da Silva in the RTBF series "E-legal" directed by Alain Brunard, Alain for "The Golden Hour" directed by Bobby Boermans or Jérôme Lambert in "Sophie Cross season 2" directed by Adeline Darraux. I also appeared in several feature and short films such as "God's spy" by Todd Komarnicki, "Good Favour" by Rebecca Daly, "William sur le pavé" by Maëlle Grand Bossi, "Marquetplace" by Annick Christiaens or "Sympathy for the devil" directed by Guillaume de Fontenay.