Jennifer Neala Page movie list

Jennifer Neala Page attended Rose Bruford Conservatory of Speech and Drama in London. Her career started in Theatre with credits including; Dancing At Lughnasa, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Newsrevue, Neil Labute's Bash (for which she won a Golden Production Award), and The Really Useful Company/ Andrew Lloyd Webber's Daisy Pulls It Off in London's Westend to rave reviews. Recently Jennifer has moved away from Theatre into TV and film with credits including; Winn Manchester in PT Anderson's powerful film The Master opposite Joaquin Phoenix, Sir Anthony Hopkin's Mother in Westworld, Hayley Atwell's Bletchley coding friend in Agent Carter and Mike & Molly. She is also a lead in the Russo Brother's movie Dizzy Pursuit which recently premiered at Raindance. Most recently in Better Call Saul as a colleague of Bob Odenkirk, in an Untitled Seinfeld comedy due out on Netflix shortly, opposite Julia Roberts in her new show Homecoming, in the latest season of You're The Worst, season three of This Is Us, and in Fox's second season of 9-1-1.