Princess Elmore movie list

Native of Atlanta, GA. Princess Elmore grew up on the south side of Atlanta. She has always had a passion for singing and the Performing Arts. Princess attended Alcorn State University in Lorman, MS. where she studied Music Education. She had the determination to continue her dreams of becoming a full time working actress, she attended Acting and On- Camera classes at the Alliance Theatre and the Actors scene Studio owned by Life Coach and Actress Jonna Johnson. Her theatrical credits include;" "He Who Finds a Wife, Finds a Good Thing", "In the Midst of It All", " Lord Change My Heart", "Screamers 2", From My Test, Comes My Testimony", "When Rhythm Met Blues", and the 1999 stage musical, "Hold Me". Princess loves hitting the stage and film, and is ready to pursue greater opportunities to share what God has given her as a singer and actor. All thanks are to God, her family especially her husband/ manager Bryan Elmore and close friends for their continued love and support.