Melise movie list

Malese Jow, originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, has developed into an actress, songstress, and entertainer. Malese began her acting career in 1999 with McDonald's commercials when the head of advertising heard her sing and booked her in several spots and jingles. Then in 2002, at the ripe age of 11, Malese competed on Ed McMahon's "Next Big Star" (PAX) where she won 4 rounds in the kids vocalist category. To take a break from music, Malese then began to focus on her acting career. In the fall of 2003, she booked the starring role of "Geena Fabiano" opposite Emma Roberts for Nickelodeon's hit show "Unfabulous," which aired worldwide on Nickelodeon for three seasons. She continued to build her teen fan base by guest-starring on Disney's "Hannah Montana" and "Wizards of Waverly Place", Nickelodeon's "iCarly", CBS's "The Young and the Restless", and Lionsgate's feature film adaptation of "Bratz-the Movie". Since then, Malese has made a seamless transition from successful teen star to a maturing actress with more serious roles such as the major recurring character of "Anna" on season 1 of CW's "Vampire Diaries". Anna re-appeared as a shocker in the season 2 finale in May, and all "Team Anna" fans are anxiously anticipating season 3 to see what happens to her endearing/resurrected character. She also guest starred on TNT's "Leverage" and ABC's "Desperate Housewives" in 2011. On the big screen, Malese was the supporting lead "Alice" in the Academy Award nominated feature "The Social Network", written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher. As for upcoming releases, Malese filmed her second series regular role for the Nickelodeon network as bad girl "Cadence Nash" in "The Troop", and recurred on several episodes of their hit show "Big Time Rush" as the new edgy, rocker girl "Lucy Stone" for the second season, all airing in mid to late 2011.