Mary Boyer movie list

Ms. Boyer is from Toledo, Ohio where she grew up with nine siblings. She attended the University of Detroit and graduated with a Magna Cum Laude in Theatre. Very shortly after graduating she moved to NYC to pursue a career in Acting. Long a veteran of stage (Regional and Off-Broadway), Lois Hawes in HBO's You Don't Know Jack was Ms. Boyer's first (ad)venture into major Film and TV. She has numerous credits in indie films, had a small recurring role as Officer Blanche Billings on ABC's All My Children, and has appeared in many commercials - all in the early years of her career. Ms. Boyer is also a Director with many stage plays on her resume (Detective Story, The Heidi Chronicles, Our Town, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Dancing At Lughnasa and The Rimers of Eldritch to name a few). In addition, she is Owner/Artistic Director and Master Acting Teacher at MTB Studio in NYC.