Amber Paul movie list

With two attention-getting roles in Hollywood features and starring parts in acclaimed indies to her credit, Amber Paul is fast becoming a talked-about name in the film world. The Miami-born, Tennessee-raised blonde started her career in New York, studying with noted teachers Harold Guskin, Michael Howard, and Gloria Maddox, before landing roles in stage productions like the NY premiere of Joyce Carol Oates' Black Water. Around this time she also began appearing on television's As the World Turns. A high-profile appearance as one of Julia Robert's students in Mona Lisa Smile (2003) led to Paul's breakthrough as Peter Sarsgaard's fiancée in the Oscar-nominated Kinsey (2004). Since then, Paul has returned to the New York stage in 2006's School Daze, while building industry awareness with fine performances in the films Maui, Metier, and Yours Always, Sam. She is known for her open, sensitive acting style and expressive eyes.