Michael Mili movie list

Michael was born and raised in the city of Detroit, Michigan. His first lead role in a feature film was as a hit man in Daniel Casey's "The Death of Michael Smith," which won the Excellence in Filmmaking award at the Slamdance film festival in Park City, Utah. He has also received credits in films such as Amanda & The Fox, Killerman, Cash Only and Setup, just to name a few. Michael also received his first producers credit for Guns Drugs & Dirty Money. Michael expanded his knowledge as a screenwriter with the assistance from the Academy of Television and Motion Picture Sciences and numerous Los Angeles seminars. Michael's introduction to screenwriter was to memorialize his time at Pharoh's Golden Cup Club, by penning his first screenplay with John Anton called: Five Years in the Pit. Michael has since then co-written; "The Mamaluke" and "Uncle Fino." He has written along with Andy Collen, of Happy Trails Animation the animated feature "The Blowffeld Bears" and the accompanying "Series Bible" for the television series which is in development. Andy and Michael have also written: "Eddy the Unending Life," a Poe adaptation; also numerous episodes and several animated features for The New Three Stooges which is also in development. Finally, Michael teamed up with long time friend and actor-writer Rich Goteri. Together they've co-written several screenplays including: "Potty Time" "A Very Low Carb Movie," Taking It Back. For Happy Trails Animation, the duo has written an animated series called "Nutz and Bolts" now in production. Rich and Mike have also compiled and developed a method of applied writing principles which they call, "Words To Film By." Together they have determined to share their method with everyone who wants to give Screenwriting a shot. The book of the same name is set for release late this year. Recently, Michael and Rich were hired by Frank Roche of Roche Productions to re-write his story "The Italy Boys" along with Rich Goteri. Michael claims he received his education from his interesting life, spent with his very funny family. However, Michael also attended Henry Ford College where he studied Graphic Arts and Marketing and the Detroit College of Business. He studied comedy from various stand-up comedians, acting from Richard Goteri and comedic timing and voice characterizations from Angelo & Vassili Metas. Michael's accomplishments also include: the writing and illustration of his weekly cartoon called Tasso, 101 Uses for the Dirty Disposable Diaper and Tasso's Big Book of Humor. Michael is putting the finishing touches on his novel based on his family and his experiences as a child with the Detroit Mob.