Danielle Lewis movie list

A native of New Orleans, LA, Danielle has lived in Los Angeles since the age of 10. She began her dance training at Hollywood High School for the Performing Arts, and then at UCLA, where she also earned a Bachelor's degree in Communication Studies. She has traveled the world as a dancer with Lula Washington Dance Theatre, UniverSoul Circus and the Legendary Paul McCartney. Danielle soon transitioned into acting and has starred in numerous commercials (Nikon, Cocoa-Cola, Chevy, Wendy's and currently Nissan). She began landing roles on Two And A Half Men (2006 ), Drop Dead Diva (2010), and General Hospital (2012). She's best known for portraying Michael Ealy's love interest in the film Unconditional (2012). Other notable films include Lottery Ticket (2010) and Crimes Of The Mind (2014).