James Drew Dean movie list

James Drew Dean was born November 19th 1996 on Vancouver Island in a small town on a beautiful Island off the coast of Vancouver. Nanaimo, British Colombia. His First professional film role was on "evil exhumed" directed by B movie horror legend David Decoteau. There he played the troubled "Brundle" as he resurrects an ancient mummy to wreck havoc on his would be tormentors, killing them 1 by 1. Since then he and David have formed a friendship, working together on a few other films. He has worked consistently since. Appearing in various tv show and tv movies. As well playing "Nick" in the award winning indie film "All-in Madonna" His most notable role to date is as "Christopher Hughes" on the hit tv series "When Calls The Heart". There he plays a misunderstood bad boy with a heart of gold. James received notable praise for his performance on the show from critics and fans alike calling it "nuanced and molecular" noting his ability to switch from "suspicious to an emotionally hurt young man" with ease "showing much talent". James enjoyed his time on set acting with Martin Cummins, Chris McNally and June Laporte, soaking up as much as he could from his scene partners and directors. In his spare time James enjoys woodworking in the spring and summer, and mushrooms picking in the fall.