Heather Wake movie list

Heather Wake is an American actress originally from Dallas, TX. Inspired by strong female action heroes like Lara Croft, Wake quickly fell in love with acting and started pursuing at an early age. She spent her senior year of high school completing her studies in the morning in order to take the train downtown to rehearse in professional plays in the afternoons and evenings. After graduating, Heather continued her education, receiving a BFA in Theatre Arts from SMU (2011), and training for Shakespeare under Joane Zipay in NYC (2012). Heather's first breakout role came from CMT's NASHVILLE, shortly followed by a recurring spot on ABC's AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE. From these she was spotted by her agent at Ayers Talent and manager at Cinterra Entertainment. In addition to acting, Wake is also an experienced stunt performer, and trains for martial arts with a Matthew Osbourne at the National Wushu Training Center. Heather resides with her two cats, Bonnie and Clyde, and studies under Marjo-Rikka Makela at The Chekhov Studio.
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