Jossan Robinson movie list

Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Jossan has always performed or entertained in some capacity since he was a child. As young as 9 years of age, he would travel with a group of "Storytellers" to other D.C. area schools and recite stories from memory to area youth his own age & older. His favorite to date is the "Old Lady & the Pig" his Grandmother would tell him growing-up. While in high school with his AFJROTC unit he would perform military drill routines during competitions, as well as play sports. Later he would go on to join one of his fraternity step teams, the "DC Coalition" with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and perform everywhere from New York to Alabama, & even appear on Black Entertainment Television's (BET) first ever 106 & Park "Step Off" in New York. So in some form or fashion he has always found himself in front of an audience. He received his BS degree in Mass Communications with a minor in Theater from Towson University, after attending North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC. After being recommended to pursue acting, by then Acting Instructor Donna Fox, a semester into his theatrical studies he was cast in his first independent film & leading role as Clay in "Charm City", shot in Baltimore, MD in 1997. Having been seen in that independent feature allowed him to earn a spot in a second film titled "Little Red", with his most notable role as "Reginald Harris", Little Red's notorious older brother. This give him the distinction of having appeared in two films prior to finishing college & earning his degree. After completing college he worked professionally as a designer & entrepreneur in several industries from fashion, advertising, entertainment, branding, and consulting before returning to acting. His passions include music, photography, designing various forms of art, sports and movies.