Sebastian Cabanas movie list

Sebastian Cabanas is an American actor born in July 2001 in Pembroke Pines, FL and has one younger brother. Sebastian's heritage is diverse, with his mother's family immigrating from Canada and his father's family immigrating from Cuba. Sebastian was raised in Pembroke Pines, FL. He began acting when he enrolled in a drama summer camp at age 8. He then studied acting in high school honors drama classes. In 2017, his acting career accelerated dramatically, when he moved from Florida to Los Angeles, CA, to become a full time actor at age 16. Since moving to Los Angeles, Sebastian has performed in multiple films, television episodes, commercials, photo shoots, and music videos. In addition, he completed his high school studies online and graduated with honor roll status. He had previously passed the CHSPE exam at age 16 so that he could work legally as an 18 year old actor. Prior to moving to Los Angeles, Sebastian played competitively on a travel soccer team and still loves the sport. Other favorite activities include body surfing, weight training and yoga. He enjoys training in stunt fighting and learning techniques for the different swords. He also loves to teach himself other languages as well as to play the piano, and is writing a book in his spare time.