Robert Cormier movie list

Robert Cormier was born on June 14, 1989 in Toronto, Ontario to Lisa, lab technician and Rob Cormier, a small business owner. Robert is the first actor/artist to come out of his family. Prior to graduating film school in 2014, Robert graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Fire and Engineering Extension Services, and left a year prior to graduating from York University in Toronto for a World Economics degree to follow his dreams of becoming an actor. He is known for his portrayal of Kit Jennings in the Netflix Original Series, Slasher Solstice (2019) and for his supporting roles as Shane in Firecracker, which premiered at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival, Al in The Intersection (2019) and Otto in Pyrenees (2018) He also has guest star appearances in Ransom (2019 an Designated Survivor (2016)