Erin Cummings movie list

Erin Cummings was born in Lafayette, LA. She traveled extensively as a child, due to her father's military career, and lived in various cities in the US as well as Seoul, Korea. After graduating from high school in Huntsville, TX, she was a member of the Kilgore College Rangerettes and received her BS in Journalism from the University of North Texas. Her studies continued at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Upon her return to the US, she starred as "Lady Macbeth" and "Queen Gertrude" in the Santa Susana Repertory Theater Company's productions of "Macbeth" and "Hamlet," respectively. Her dedication to her stage work and craft was recognized and led to her first television role: two lines as "Prostitute #1" on "Star Trek: Enterprise." Cummings lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their collection of stray animals.