Charles Coan movie list

Charles Coan began acting in television and film mainly from being involved in living history as a re en-actor. For the last 30 years he has been involved with various Revolutionary War groups. Charles was part of a History Channel series called "Saving History" in 2007, and portrayed a rowdy gang member in a Boston Massacre scene. He was also a part of a film documentary about a female heroine named Deborah Samson,who enlisted into the Revolutionary army in 1782 . Coan acted and supplied most of the props and costumes for the production that aired on local cable channels in Massachusetts. Being a British redcoat re-en-actor, he was chosen to play a British soldier in a scene for Hulu's "Castle Rock" in 2018. Then he decided to pursue more acting opportunities through local casting companies. Coan was selected to portray a fundraiser guest in a NBC-TV pilot "Suspicion" in 2018,not yet released. Although his acting career has really just begun ,he would like to be doing this kind of work for a long time.