Lisa France movie list

Lisa France graduated with honors from Brooklyn College with a double major in Biology and Philosophy. At Brooklyn she was a Division I basketball player and cross country and track runner. After graduation France played professional basketball for the Manchester Giants in Manchester, England. Upon returning to the United States, she attended Ohio State University where she graduated with a MA in Somatic Studies. As she spent a good percentage of her time in Ohio, she was fairly unfamiliar with the film business. It wasn't until she saw "Meet Joe Black" shooting in her neighborhood that she became smitten with making films. She entered the film business as a production assistant and then initiated her SAG career as a stunt double in Spike Lee's "He Got Game." In 1999 she wrote, directed, starred and produced her first short film, "Love In Tow" In 2000 she won Best Comedy for "Love In Tow" at Filmstock Film Festival in London. She then France executive produced "Fair Play" (written and directed by Joanie Wread) starring John Heard and Ed Asner. France continues to do stunt work in addition, to acting and directing.