Hayley Amber Smith movie list

Hayley Amber Smith is a Christmas baby, born December 25th, 1995. Growing up she always sang, acted and performed. Her voice is very unique and has a raspy quality that many professionals find memorable. She has been told that her uniqueness lends itself to people wanting to hear "the next song". In 2014 she took up hula-hooping (LED) and fire-hooping and is now an accomplished performer. Her Astral Hoops are custom made for her and she has represented their best products. As a performer for UnWind she has traveled the USA, Caribbean and Europe to perform (singing, hooping and acting). She was in a promo for a Las Vegas show and just recently (2018) landed her first role in a full featured movie, (in production as of this bio) titled "The Swing of Things". Directors and producers have been impressed with how she looks on camera and their ability to get the results of what they ask for (she responds well to directing requests and is efficient in producing results). She very well may have written the theme song for the movie (subject to final production).