Aaron Lee movie list

Aaron Lee is an award winning American film & television actor and producer from Miami, Florida. He is part of the Emmy award winning producing team of Five Arts Films & Skibavision. Salvatore Vincent Zannino, founder of Five Arts Films and Five Arts productions. Lee and Zannino have produced many widely released films internationally. Their first film was award winning "Beverly Hills Christmas"(2015) directed by Brian Skiba. Lee has been in over 14 feature length films and Emmy award winning series "The Bay"(2016). Aaron is also no stranger to the commercial world, he has been in various commercials such as Coca Cola, Audi, Sothebys and numerous modeling campaigns. Lee has co stared with many great actors. Lee can be seen in the upcoming film" Deprivation"(2017) shot on location in Rome, Italy. Moreover he has just wrapped a Lifetime movie "Running Away"(2017) in which he plays the compelling character J.C.