Jacqui Denski movie list

Actress actively working in New York, Boston, Connecticut, New Jersey and Rhode Island. Has been seen on Lifetime, Discovery Channel, A & E, Chiller Network, Nickelodeon and in a variety of commercials, web series and shorts. Born in New Jersey, realized her passion for acting in 5th Grade when she gave a History project presentation to several classes. Grew up a dancer in Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Hawaiin which made the transition to stage acting in high school easy. She was involved in Theater throughout high school, performing many plays. Her favorite was Fiddler on the Roof in which she was Grandma Tzietel, her first time singing solo on stage. At 18 she participated in a pageant in which she created her own mock commercial which grabbed the attention of some casting agents in the audience. Unfortunately, she lived on her own and did not have the funds for a portfolio and, therefore, moved on with her life, moving to Connecticut and having a family. Many years and careers later, she decided to go to college and earn a degree in Psychology. During who route, she was coaxed to audition for the play, " The Real Inspector Hound.' She did not receive a part at first, but because of some schedule conflicts, an actress dropped out and she received the call asking her to portray Mrs. Drudge, the comedic maid. She received many accolades regarding her performance which rekindled her passion for acting. While earning her Bachelor Degree in Psychology, her curiosity during Winter Break led her to find an audition for a local horror movie be made. She instantly wanted to be a creature and dragged her high school actor son with her to audition. They both were given roles and had the time of their lives wearing masks, body paint, contact lenses to portray the cave dwelling creatures as extras. Again because an actress quit due to all the body and hair paint, she was given a supporting role as the Dying Cerptas in Deep in the Darkness. This was the beginning of her new found love in Film. Because she came through when the company was in a bind, she was asked to take a supporting role as a waitress in Dark Haul and then as a nun in Wishin' and Hopin.' "Synthetic Cinemas will always have a special place in my heart!"