Monique Sypkens movie list

Born in Sacramento, California to a German/Dutch father and an African-American/Native American mother, she was raised in the small suburb Elk Grove, playing basketball and taking dance lessons. Monique performed in community theaters and local stages from a young age. In 2016, she starred in the pilot "Fauk My Life", a coming of age story now streaming on RevryTV. Since then she has performed internationally with the Pure Praxis Theatre troupe to prevent sexual assault and retaliation in the military. She was also an educator of improv, performance and writing in many Los Angeles juvenile facilities, through The Unusual Suspects Theatre Company. Monique has appeared in many commercials, and short films; and stars in Lifetime feature "Sins in the Suburbs" set to premiere March 19, 2022. Her father manages a car dealership and her mother is an interior designer. Performing in community theaters and local stages since childhood, Monique found her joy in grade school and grew up acting. (One of her first student jobs was a retail worker for traveling Broadway's Mary Poppins.) She attended Long Beach State, where she received a bachelor's degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Film Production. Sypkens' resides in Los Angeles, and is a filmmaker currently in post production for her own short film.