C.J. Wilkins movie list

With an intelligent yet silly zest for life, there is opportunity for humor to be injected into nearly every situation, no matter how desperate. You know he follows the rules but exploits them to his every advantage by out-witting the competition. Easy to befriend, whose side is he on, anyway? Everyone thinks it's theirs. Mid 30s to early 40s with piercing green with rust eyes that instantly convey joy and trust. An accessible smile and non-threatening posture, he's the guy every woman wants as their best guy friend because he envelops them in feelings of confidence, safety and fun. He values intellect and humor but has no patience for idiocy or the lowest hanging fruit on the comedy tree because he know's he's better than that and hates wasting time. Think Edward Norton's relaxed, funnier and seemingly more emotionally stable younger brother... until he decides you aren't worth the effort. Alternatively, he is Matthew McConaughey's brother who relies on his intelligence and comedic wit more than good looks to get where he's going.