Cynthia Hammer movie list

Cynthia W. Hammer is a writer, actress, radio host and editor. She is the author of best selling novels Iceburg and A Good Case. She wrote her third novel The Seven Rivers as a sequel to Iceburg based on her life growning up on the waterfront surrounded by an all white neighborhood in the late seventies and early eighties on the outskirts of Annapolis Maryland. Cynthia grew up with her parents living from paycheck to paying bills. At sixteen she left home, became a CEO of her own self starter cleaning company. Put herself through school working two jobs. Like many she took a leap of Faith on God's word in a dream for her and husband who had the same dream in his sleep to go to California. She published her first novel while driving across country. Through the majority of book signings the author has been able to act in two movie roles in Los Angeles.