Lexy Hammonds movie list

Lexy Hammonds is a British actress born on January 10th, in Warwickshire, England. Professionally she is known for Hulu series, "Crazy Love" as the leading role of Madelyn Salk, which aired in September 2019, and as 'Christina' in in Huayi Brothers Media Corps "Seven Days - Ri Luo Ci Qi" , a Chinese foreign film, which garnered multiple film awards and over 300 million views on Tencent; China's "Netflix". Her latest film "Drive All Night" a stylized, neo-noir film just had its world premiere at Cinequest Film Festival, where Hammonds plays the leading role of Cara starring alongside Yutaka Takeuchi (USS Indianapolis) and Sarah Dumont (Bad Ass 2, Hawaii 5-0). She is a graduate of The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Los Angeles and was awarded the 01B Visa for her extraordinary ability and international recognition in Acting, allowing her to work stateside.