Matthew Albrecht movie list

Matthew was born in Houston, Tx. but grew up in the small town of Fredericksburg staying actively involved in theater and sports during middle and high school. He was known as the "thespian jock." Matt continued on pace in college majoring in acting for theater at Texas State University where he was actively involved in many of the theater department's productions but also took strongly to the Greek life on campus. His fellow thespians in school would call him "Frat Matt" when he came around. In 2006, Matthew moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting while at the same time found work for a few indie production companies and stumbled upon producing before starting his own company with fellow producers Christian Sosa and Tyler Glodt in 2008. Since then, Matthew has starred in several indie features, shorts, commercials, and his company has produce one feature, "The Eves," as well as many other shorts.