Jan Bos movie list

Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Jan immigrated to Winnipeg, Canada with his parents and sisters. Apparently, he entertained the entire flight crew in his wee kilt at the tender age of two and a half. Perhaps this early attention was the beginning of his acting career. His next foray into the performing arts was in grade school when he took on the role of Ebenezer Scrooge in 'A Christmas Carol.' In University, Jan performed as a stand-up comedian at a local club. As valedictorian of his Physical Education class, Jan chose to break from the standard by roasting the professors using a variety of accents and characters. Something must have gone well, because his professors all told him that he was in the wrong profession. Then, it was on to the Theatre and Drama program at the University of Winnipeg. As life goes, other obligations took priority and many years of work and family ensued. In 2001, Jan found himself visiting Vancouver and decided to make it his home. He also decided to enroll in voice and acting classes, and then signed on with his first agent. Shortly after, he booked his first commercial. Then he booked his first principal role in Stargate SG-1. His work ethic, dedication to the craft, and professionalism on set make him an easy actor to work with. Jan is also an avid curler and cyclist. In September of 2016, he and his team won gold in Mixed Curling at the first ever Americas Masters Games, held in Vancouver. His next goal is to compete in the 2021 World Masters Games in Japan, this time as a cyclist.