Elias Toufexis movie list

Elias grew up in Montreal and now lives in Los Angeles. Elias has played dozens of major characters on television in shows like Star Trek: Discovery, FBI, FBI Most Wanted, Criminal Minds, The Expanse, Supernatural, Lost Girl, Alphas, Shadowhunters, Stargate: Atlantis He is one of the busiest Performance Capture actors in the world, with characters in video-games, films, and television. Variety has called him "The Canadian Andy Serkis" In the video-game world, he's played leading characters in many multi-million dollar projects. The Assassin's Creed Series, The Deus Ex Series, The Call Of Duty Series, The Fortnite Series, The Splinter Cell Series, The Far Cry Series, The Immortals Fenyx Rising series, and dozens more. He has a cult following around the world for his work in Performance Capture and Voice in Videogames. Forbes Magazine called him a "voice-acting heavyweight" He has also become one of the most prominent voice actors in the business. You can hear him as one of the leads in the Netflix Animated series Blood Of Zeus or in Adult Swim's Blade Runner Black Lotus. You can hear him as the voice of Yellow Pages, McDonald's, Lexus Cars, Taco Bell, and many many more radio and TV voice-over commercials.