Nicholas X. Parsons movie list

Nicholas X. Parsons grew up in Chesapeake, Virginia where he studied and trained as an actor at The Governor's School for the Arts, and later a received a B.A. in acting from George Mason University. Upon graduation, he began additional studies with Yuri Kordonsky and later at 'The Actor's Place' with Keith Flippen. Soon thereafter, he began working in television and film all over the South-East market. His television break came when he was cast in Burn Notice (2007), and continued to land roles on shows such as MacGyver (2016), Preacher (2016), and NCIS: New Orleans (2014). You can also find Mr. Parsons recurring as the hacker sidekick 'Stanzi Palmer' on the 3rd season of Necessary Roughness (2011). In film, Nicholas continues to play a diverse range of characters in multiple genres; from the dramatic lead in Power of the Air (2018) opposite Patty Duke, to comedic roles such as 'Bicycle' in Netflix's The Lovebirds (2020). But his big break came when he played the role of 'Motel Clerk', who antagonizes Dwayne Johnson and Mark Wahlberg directed by Michael Bay in the dark comedy Pain & Gain (2013). You can also find him playing the best friend of Tyler Hoechlin in the post apocalyptic suspense thriller The Domestics (2018), as the endearing buddy of Justin Timberlake, playing 'Ned', in the Apple TV+ family drama Palmer (2021), and most recently you can see him as 'Fake Jesus' in We Have a Ghost (2023) and 'Isaac' in Unseen (2023). In addition to acting, Nicholas X. Parsons is producing, writing, directing, and editing his first documentary feature A Horse of a Different Color.