T.J. Sanson movie list

A 'Vivacious Vixen", TJ is known for portraying quirky girl-women--a cross between Penelope Garcia and Abby Sciuto. She has acted in diverse role such as a 600 year old vampire, a scientist responsible for a zombie outbreak, and a depressed drug-addled goth chick-- in addition to having 40+ stage credits including but not limited to, Complete Works of William Shakespeare(Abridged), Dracula, Fiorello!, Henry V, 12 Angry Women, and Midsummer Night's Dream. She is also an artist, graphic designer, and filmmaker. Her company, Sawdust and Tinsel Productions, produced a short film "Annalise: A Love Story", and a web anthology "Primrose Tales". Follow her on Instagram: thetjsanson and Facebook: TJSansonActmodelfilm