Nick Stellate movie list

Of Italian heritage, Nick was born in The Bronx projects, raised on Long Island, Pelham Manor, and Mt. Vernon, New York. Nick spent his childhood listening to his father performing dozens of accents and comedy sketches. Cartoons were Nick's babysitter, thus giving him and early ear for his voiceover gifts. Nick's dad was part of an early 1950's Bronx crew of future entertainers, led by the super talented writer and actor Rudy Deluca. Rudy went off to Hollywood and teamed up with Mel Brooks to write, produce, and act in the majority of Mel's films. Over 50 years later, fate brought Rudy into Nick's life in Los Angeles. Nick started his acting career as Nicholas James Tate in 1990 as a non-union extra on Law & Order. For the next 4 years, he lived in New York City, performing in Murder Mystery shows around the world with now superstar performers Connie Britton and Aasif Mandvi. He dedicated that stage name to silent film star Harold Lloyd, as a tribute to Harold attending Tate University in one of his silent films. Nick's screen / stage credits changed to his birth name-Nick Stellate-as of 2000. Most of his credits prior to 2000, occurred while he was living in Mt. Vernon. Nick's childhood dreams became reality in 1996 when he acquired the highly sought after SAG card. His ambitious spirit helped guide his way up the extra ranks in New York until 1997 when he landed a featured extra role as Renee Zellwegger's Hasidic bodyguard in "A Price Above Rubies." After appearing as an extra in dozens of TV Shows , Pilots, and Feature Films from 1997-1998, he landed 13 voices on Pokemon, hence a voiceover career changer. Nick is now credited with over 2500 Animation, Video Game , and Film voice characters. Followed shortly by his worldwide Pokemon recognition, he relocated to Los Angeles in Nov 1998. Nick's acting career began to blossom almost immediately. He landed many lead and supporting roles in feature films along with guest and co-starring roles on popular TV Shows from detectives to bad guys, bodybuilders to eastern block thugs. He's worked with and become friends with some the world's most talented performers including: Connie Britton, Paul Sorvino, Eric Roberts, Mickey Rourke, Al Pacino, Viggo Mortensen, Tony Shaloub, Renee Zellwegger, Val Kilmer, Christopher Meloni and Faye Dunaway to name a few. Nick counts his blessings daily to be working and has an immense respect and grateful energy he shares wholeheartedly. "I'm living one of my dreams as an actor, and when I'm on set, or behind the mic, I feel like I'm home," he quoted to Filmstar magazine. Nick has raised financing and produced several projects, while continuing his fun acting/voice over careers. For the past 10 years, he's been credited with over 500 character voices on Storychimes for children, based in Los Angeles. Nick lives in New York and Los Angeles now. His brother Frankie Stellate was his biggest motivator throughout his acting career. Nick dedicates all of his past, current, and future successes to his wonderful brother Frankie, who passed October 12, 2018. "Frankie, this is for you, always was, always will be my brother!"