Alexandra Fatovich movie list

Born in Fort Lee, NJ, Alexandra moved to Los Angeles after graduating Summa Cum Laude from Syracuse University's prestigious Newhouse School of Public Communications. She made her big screen debut in Martin Brest's film "Gigli" where she stole the scene she shared with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. Some of her television credits include Lifetime's "The Perfect Wife", "Without A Trace", "The Rules of Engagement" and a memorable role on "Veronica Mars" as Harry Hamlin's stalker and stabber from their Christmas episode. She got to work with director Mary Harron ("American Psycho") on a horror anthology series for NBC called "Fear Itself" along side Shiri Appleby and Brandon Routh. As a member of Theatre Tribe, she's performed in hit shows like Lanford Wilson's "Sympathetic Magic" and "Proof" and "Lobby Hero". Her most recent projects include the short film "Dog Eat Dog" with Zachary Quinto and Philip Baker Hall, a feature film with Paul Rudd and Paul Giamatti, and a lead role in the horror feature film "The Shower".