Kaylee Williams movie list

Kaylee Williams is an award winning actress who grew up as a shy and introverted girl in a northwest suburb of Chicago, Illinois. Prompted by a dare from some of her friends, Kaylee decided to try out for a school play during her freshman year of high school and subsequently caught the acting bug. Williams acted in theater productions for several years and posed for photo shoots with local photographers around the same time she began acting in films. A well liked and established scream queen in the horror genre, Kaylee was nominated for Best Actress in a Short for her lead role in "The Many Monsters of Sarah Roth" at the 2010 Oklahoma Horror Film Fest and won for Best Actress in an Anthology or Collection by NerdRemix's Best of 2012 Awards for her role in the segment "Anti-Bodies" in the horror anthology "Psycho Street." She also was named Best Supporting Actress at the 2014 Indie Horror Film Festival for her role in "Dark Realm," was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 2014 FANtastic Horror Film Festival for her role in "The Lashman" and won Best Supporting Actress in a Short Film at the 2015 FANtastic Horror Film Festival for her role in "Once, When I Was Dead."