Jess Varley movie list

Jess Varley is a filmmaker born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. She graduated from LaGuardia High School and NYU Tisch, and began her career acting in national commercials, television, movies like Lionsgate's JOSHY and more recently Shudder's upcoming OFFSEASON. Jess has also spent the last five years working on feature film crews in the production department, utilizing the experiences as learning tools to hone her own craft. Jess has developed TV shows with networks such as ABC and FX, and most recently wrote, directed, and produced the newly released horror anthology movie PHOBIAS, alongside the Radio Silence team (READY OR NOT, upcoming SCREAM reboot). Her upcoming film THE ASTRONAUT, which she is writing and directing, is a sci-fi/horror exploration into the themes of belonging and what it means to be human. Through her work, Jess hopes to emerge as one of the leading female voices in the genre space, thrilling audiences with both scares and social commentary.