Brittney Level movie list

Brittney Level was born in Kaiserslautern,(K-Town) Germany February 6th, to Douglas and Linda Level. Her love for acting started at a very early age. She starred in her elementary school plays as "Emily Elizabeth" in a series of Clifford the Big Red Dog stories, as well as performing puppetry shows in the 5th grade for the schools 1st-3rd graders. As she got older Brittney took an interest in the music industry, becoming an artist and writer working with more than a few heavy hitting producers and artist. After performing all over the U.S. she returned to her passion for acting , when she started taking classes and beginning work in the Film and Television industries. Holding her own next to some of the industries more seasoned actors when she co-starred as Annabel in the Indie Film "Holding Patterns" directed by Jake Goldberger, starring Freddie Highmore and Odeya Rush, as well as 2017's "Unbridled", as Alison Sangrin, Brittney has also acted in commercials ,as well as popular television shows, including BET's "Being Mary Jane" and the season finale of "Justice by any means" Her talent does not end with singing, acting, and writing, Brittney has also sufficiently projected her creativity and talents into Voice over's. Voicing the Character "Fiona Falcon" in the "Eddie Eagle animation and a nationwide UPS commercial she continues to hone her skills, working with the amazing V.O. Talent and Coach Deborah Richards, as well as acting coach Gregory Alan Williams. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg for this wonderfully talented and attractive actress. While she continues to prevail as a more than a triple threat in this ever growing industry, and master her skills, we look forward to all her future endeavors.