Josh Crotty movie list

Josh Crotty was born in Vancouver, Washington, just outside Portland Oregon. He is the son of Dennis (a teamster) and Jeri(an artist) Growing up in the rural Pacific Northwest, he was immersed heavily in outdoor activities. He also was surrounded by all sorts of artistic influences including the two most prominent, his parents. Everything from culinary arts,playing multiple instruments to producing full on homemade TV and film "productions" with his extended family. This barrage of creativity and an immense amount of energy was great at home but was not always a good thing in school. With a Reputation for being a bit of a troublemaker he left his hometown and traveled. After stints in construction, bartending, and fashion modeling, he landed in Los Angeles where he became interested in acting and music as viable careers. His lack of classical training and "let's just do it and see how it works" attitude worked in his favor as he has nabbed film and television ever since. he now splits his time between L.A. and New York.