Heath C. Heine movie list

Heath Charles Heine was born on March 21, 1977 in Waterloo, Iowa, to Robert M. Heine, a Horseman, animal trainer and film promoter, and Lynn K Baird, a national professional exotic dancer. Heath has an sister two years his senior, Heather, a working class professional. His father is of German and English descent, and his mother is of Finnish and Swedish ancestry. The family lived in Lakewood CO, until his parents divorced in 1989, when Heath and Heather moved with their father to North Denver. He grew up in a rough community with much gang activity, and had fallen it into a life of criminal activity and frequent run ins with police by the age of thirteen. Getting back on track Heath was enrolled in martial arts classes at Choi Brothers Tae Kwon Do academy and achieved his First Degree Blackbelt under Young Duk Choi Author of Practical TaeKwonDo (you can see Heath as a model in this book and video series of you can find it) a year later obtained his Second Degree Blackbelt under Joseph Choi. Whom he's still good friends with too this day. With new confidence and purpose Heath attended an acting class while at John F. Kennedy High-school, within the first week he was asked to leave the class by the teacher for not fitting in. Not to be deterred Heath promptly picked up a Hi-8 Camcorder and began making comedy skits liken to SNL with his sister Heather, and friend Steve Parks (Red) together they started the Red Heine Show (1998) Heath and Steve attended classes at Denver's KBDI Studios in Five Points. Sadly the show was not fit to air. That same year Heath's dad (Promoter) Robert Heine and casting director Phil Sainz awarded Heath a martial arts role in Mark Grove and Julian Lee's feature film Tiger Street (1998). Up next for Heath, a slew of commercial roles from Dominos and Old Chicago pizza, as well as other national commercial spots for Ford, Sprint and Alavert to several character roles for television episodes including Animal Planets Busted and Trigger Happy TV (Hosted by Jessica Makinson of South Park 2002-2019) all thanks to his long time friend and talent agents Kathey True, Patty Kingsbaker and Kathleen Ham of Radical Artist Agency in Denver CO. It was also during this time that Heath continued his to further his education with some of the industries leading acting coaches John Crockett and Brian McCulley of AEC studios (casting: Furious7 (2015) and Gone Girl (2014). Heath was also a student of Bill Howey the author of The Actors Menu and is the father of famous Steve Howey (Reba 2001-2007 and Shameless 2011-2021). In 2005 Heath studied at Colorado Film School under Galina Boulkgakova author of Sanity in Acting. At a CFS audition Heath landed the leading role of Gallagher Jablan (Indie Film Adventures 2005) directed by Hank Braxtan (Unnatural 2015, Dragon Soldiers 2020) in which Heath shared the screen with Arielle Brachfeld (Los Angeles Overnight 2018), which immediately gave way to hundreds of student and independent feature film opportunities. In 2006 Heath played the role of Chuck in The Denver Ninja Posse, had a reprised role of Gallagher Jablan in Return of the Ghostbusters (2007), supporting girl of Sergeant Major in Animal (2009) directed by Dra Lloyd. Heath also starred in The Crustation Crisis along side James Russell, Pool Shark Precepts with Tony Taylor and Spencer Kane. The following year, Heath played the leading role of Brad and garnered accolades for The Crippler (2010) a short film written and directed by Mark Roeder. The Crippler (2010) was accepted to over 15 film festivals, winning many awards all around the world. In the year 2011, Heath was again involved in a film with Mark Grove Assassins' Code (2011) He was on set with Richard Moll (Night Court 1984-1992) and Martin Kove (Karate Kid trilogy 1984-1986). Heath began to establish himself as the leading man in films such as Worm (2012), The Good Neighbor (2013), Heer-Oh (2013) and the Low Road Baby (2013) along side Audrey Walters (Better Call Saul 2020) and Ivan Pavletic (writer/director/actor 476 A.D. 2016). Toward the end of 2013 Heath played his first full physical transformation character "Cousin Bumpkin", a in-bread hillbilly who's a wiz a moonshine'n all while slaying zombies with his family the Crippletons. Hans Crippleton talk to the Hans created by Kevon Ward (Face Off 2015-2018) starring Irene Lenoard (Menschen 2013), Andy Hankins (My name is Sam 2020) and Kevon Ward (creator of Bored as Hell 2017-2021). Hans Crippleton talk to the Hans (2013) earned mixed reviews from critics, but even so Heath and his co stars received praise for their transformation and performance. Heath booked the lead role in Between Haircuts directed by Erik J. Olson who has since gone on to major motion pictures (Sleepy Hollow 2013-2017, Bad Boys for life 2021). In the year 2018 Heath played the title role in Dennis Hefter's directorial debut Army and Coop (2018), which was a breakout leading man role for Heath while working along side Cali June (Monster Force Zero 2020), Ben Hilzer (Ghosters 2021) and Gary J. Neuger (Fox and the Bounty 2021). For the role of Mike "Army" Armstrong, Heath had surgically removed 6 teeth in keeping with his role of a washed up professional hockey player. Heath simultaneously co-created the character lead of Satan in Kevon Wards (Bored as Hell 2017-2021) in which Satan (Heath) comes to earth thinking "life on the land might be grand" only to realize he s got the Sadim Touch, where everything he touches he woefully destroys. In this zany Kevon Ward tv series Heath's in head to toe special effects makeup and he likes the experience to Jim Carrey's (How the Grinch stole Christmas 2000). Next Heath won a co-starring love interest role (Leo) in Collider written by Daniel Ford, directed by Justin Lewis (Collider 2018). Heath smashed the role of Gunns Lazer in Michele Paccitos newest film directed by Nathan Letteer. Heath had the great pleasure of acting along side Pat Tanaka (WWF Superstars 1992) and Shale LePage (Knockout 2020) and Aeon Cruz (The Initiation 2021) in (Monster Force Zero 2020). This lead to Milko and Kathy Davis (Tsunombee 2015) to pull Heath on to their next project (Jurassic Thunder 2018), this was the first time Heath had been offer three separate character roles in the same film (President, Reporter and Hogan), transformed yet again by Kevon Ward into a Donald Trump character. Directly afterward Nathanial Shields, Ralph Giordano offered Heath the cameo role of Frank in (Spectacular mind of McKenzie Banks 2019) starring Paige Awtrey (Justice League: dawn of apokolips 2017) and Cassetta Bradio (Knockout 2020). Dennis Vincent (the Aurora Monsters 2010) stopped Heath while at an awards show in Denver (Bliss International Film Festival) and proposed a leading role in his up coming film (Rage of the Mummy 2019). Heath's Agent Kathey True booked the role of Charlie in Issac Walsh (Mammon 2021 starring Mickey Rourke and Tay Diggs) and Stephen Morgan's (ROOK 2020) where he met and worked with Lew Temple (Devils Rejects 2005) and Bobby Lee Black (Punisher 2004) who offered Heath his next role in Bobby Lee Blacks (The Shop 2021). Hank Braxtan and Arielle Brachfeld are still great friends of Heath and Amber Heine, and pulled him on as Bobby Tristian for (Dragon Soldiers 2020) starring Antuone Torbert (Blader 2019) and Ruben Pla (Insidious 2010). In his personal life, Heath is now happily married to Amber Heine of Boulder Colorado, whom he met on MySpace, where they both enjoyed the music of Matisyahu. They were married at the Stanley Hotel in beautiful Estes Park Colorado (know for Stanley Kubrick and Steven Kings The Shinning 1980) in 2010. Heath is the founder/owner of Clearview Windshield Repair (est. 1998), while his wife Amber is dedicated to the rescue of thousands of animals at Broken Shovels Farm Sanctuary in Henderson CO. Heath has thousands of hours in biblical studies and has dedicated his life to Christ, holding to the teachings of Jesus, "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy soul and with all thy mind, and love thy neighbor as thyself."