Nino Cimino movie list

Born in the Chicago area to Italian immigrants (his mother from Rome, his father from Sicily) Nino Cimino grew up working at his parent's family pizzeria. In July of 2001, at the age of 21, Nino moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. He studied intensely for two years both acting and filmmaking at the Piero Dusa Acting Conservatory in Santa Monica, CA, (now known as The Promenade Playhouse). Upon completing the two-year program in 2005, Nino started up Cimino Productions. The premise for starting Cimino Productions, was to give Nino a canvas to develop, write, and produce material to act in, giving him more creative control over his own work. Since then, Nino and Cimino Productions have done just that, working on everything from short films to full-length feature films, and series . Keeping that same committed intensity towards the work that he developed at the acting conservatory, Nino Cimino always strives to write and produce films that will challenge his creative side as an actor. With Cimino Productions, the company is always looking forward to collaborations on new cutting edge film projects.