Tammy Klein movie list

Tammy Klein is a Multi-Hyphenate: Actress, Screenwriter, Voice Over Artist, Sound Editor, Visual Effects Artist and Technical Adviser. Tammy's appeared in numerous print ads, commercials, TV shows and independent films. Because of her education, training and employment as a crime scene investigator, she's performed as Special Ability Background/Tech Adviser in numerous episodes of the television shows Law & Order: Los Angeles, Southland and Sons of Anarchy. She's the voice of Kelly in the multi-award-winning audio-drama, We're Alive, and of Subcommander Nonia in the audio-drama, Henglaar, M.D., a Star Trek-based fan production. She's also English-dubbed the character of Astrid du Tilleul in the Belgian TV drama La trêve (The Break) on Netflix. Tammy has also co-written two screenplays: Trolland (2016: Dick Van Dyke and Jerry O'Connell) and Adventures of Aladdin (2019: Adam Hollick and Lucia Dimitra Xypteras ).