Jan Johns movie list

Jan Johns was wildly popular at her elementary school talent shows. Well...with the parents, the kids wanted nothing to do with her. Good thing, cause that led to a lot of alone time which lead to a career of talking to herself. Jan's voice can be heard on a Fischer Price Toy, Video games: like Fallout 3 & 4, Mighty Number 9, Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, and the voice of the female Predator in Predator Hunting Grounds. Cartoons like Mickey Mouse Funhouse, The Loud House, Jetbear, The Witch Sisters, Public Pool and the voice of Mayday in the animated feature, Seal Team. Jan was nominated for a GANG award for Vocal Performance of the Year as Kayah in The Last Light. Needless to say, Jan has finally embraced her weird. Take heart weirdos, there's a place for all of us.