Ken Appledorn movie list

Ken is originally from Troy Michigan, yet has both US and Spanish nationality. He learned his craft of acting as well as the Spanish language working and studying in Sevilla, Spain and with the Spanish comedians, Los Morancos and taking every class possible at El Centro Andaluz de Teatro. He has had the opportunity to work with Woody Allen (Rifkin's Festival), to star in and help create an independent Youtube series with over 50 million total views (Malviviendo and El Viaje de Peter McDowell), to work as a series regular in an all-star Spanish/American cast that told the life of Ava Gardner in the 1960s (ARDE MADRID), and research and tell the cross-cultural story of 6 Americans who ventured into the world of bullfighting (6 Toreros Yankees) for Canal Sur TV. He has worked with HBO as a series regular (El Ultimo Show), Netflix (Elite), the BBC (The Refugees), Movistar+, as well as local television stations in Sevilla, Spain. He can be listened to every Tuesday on Spanish radio on his show, ¨Buenos Dias Andalucia.¨ (Canal Sur).