Victoria Koblenko movie list

Victoria has portrayed over 37 characters in 11 films and over 800 episodes of TV drama. Victoria was born in the Soviet Union and moved to the Netherlands at age 12. She learned Dutch from scratch and built a TV career speaking Dutch like a native. After years of working in Amsterdam she decided to bring a new dimension to her career. She landed her first Russian-speaking role in Moscow in 2009. Drawing on her Eastern European background she starred in the short film "American Dreams," playing Marina, the Russian wife of Lee Harvey Oswald. The film was awarded Best Short Film at the Hollywood Festival. In 2016 Victoria learned Serbian to play a part in the Dutch Oscar submission The Paradise Suite. Ironically, Victoria gets cast for strong iron ladies, like doctors and lawyers in the Netherlands, while in Russia she often gets the comic, girl-next-door types. On stage she has played for the National Theatre; in 2020 she appeared in the show "Mijn Man Begript Me Niet" over 50 times. Later this year Victoria will play her first historical role in an Italian film.