Mirella Gibeau movie list

Mirella Gibeau is an actor and comedian based out of Vancouver BC. The daughter of immigrants, Mirella is first generation Italian Canadian. The Italian language is her mother tongue and yes, she has been known to speak with her hands to the detriment of coffee cups everywhere. Mirella started her career in theatre and then became an art and drama teacher. Being able to work in film is been a dream come true and she has appeared in numerous commercials, student films and independent productions. Her comedic improvisational style can be best be appreciated in the Newfoundland and Labrador tourism travel vlogs : Tall, True and Tangled Tales - The Tale Blazers. Originally from Edmonton , Alberta, Mirella and her family traded six months of snow for rain in 2014 and they have never been happier. Her daughter, Vanessa Gibeau, is also an actor and one day hope to work on a film project together.