Michaela Longden movie list

Michaela graduated from the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts in 2014. She has worked in many major playhouse venues, had roles in a variety of daytime and prime-time TV and has appeared in several award winning short films and feature films that have circulated to a global level. Feature film appearances include; 'Jack in The Box- Awakening', 'The Creature Below' and 'Book of Monsters' (Dark Rift Films- SKY Movies). Television appearances include; Hollyoaks, Coronation Street and Doctors. Other film roles include; Clara in the multi award wining short film 'Choice: No Regret' (Best Shorts Competition/European Cinema Awards/Global short Los Angeles and Top Shorts Festival). Emily in the short film 'Headless: The Ed Shales Story' (Royal Television Society winner). Emily in the short 'Carbooty' (Royal Television Society winner).