Devan Chandler Long movie list

Devan was raised in the small island town of Anacortes, Washington, where he grew up entertaining his peers in the classroom and on the field of athletics. His talents earned him a full-ride scholarship to play football at the University of Oregon, where he would go on to garner school records in the stat books and become known for his humorous interviews and locker room antics. Given his boisterous personality and proclivity for storytelling, it wasn't long until Devan found his truth in acting. He blazed himself a career as a multi-faceted character actor utilizing his blue-collar work ethic and stubborn determination. Having displayed the ability to portray such an eclectic array of characters from vicious assassins to lovable superheroes has helped propel Devan's career and allowed him to escape the stereotypical confines adopted by most actors of his physical prowess. He is a rare blend of talent possessing the personality to match his size and passion.