Viktoria Vinyarska movie list

Viktoria Vinyarska was born in 1992 in Lviv, Ukraine, after which she moved to the US at the age of 10. Viktoria and her parents eventually settled in Connecticut, where she attended and graduated from Stamford High School, and later studied psychology at the University of Connecticut. Her acting career began after she was accepted to William Esper Studio in New York City, where she studied the Meisner Technique, and was quickly noticed by director Eliza Hittman, who cast Vika as the lead role in her film "Forever's Gonna Start Tonight." The film was well received by both critics and audiences, and was selected into the "Best of the Best" category at the Sundance Film Festival. Viktoria's performance garnered much praise from directors and actors alike, leading to her making her feature debut when she was cast as the co-lead in the Brazilian HBO film "A Floresta de Jonathas," for which she was nominated for "Best Actress" at Brazil's Festival do Rio. Viktoria's breakout role in the Brazilian film led to her being featured on the cover of Brazil's DUE magazine. Viktoria then made her way out west to Los Angeles in her early twenties, where she further honed her skills studying under Tony Greco, mastering the Method technique. Since then, she has starred in Sony Pictures' web series "The Real Drakoolavs" in which she played the lead role as teenage vampire, "Mila" and was nominated for "Best Actress" at 2017's LA WEB FEST. Viktoria will soon be seen as the co-lead in the upcoming horror film "Room 203." Viktoria's other credits include: "Highway To Havasu" (feature), "It Felt Like Love" (feature), "The Hijrah" (feature), "Renasent" (TV Series), "Warehouse Rumble" (short), "Incarceration" (short), "Reaper" (Short), and "Shmegegge" (short).