Kevin D. Benton movie list

Kevin D. Benton is an American, Multi Award-Winning, "Best Film Actor" and T.V., SAG-AFTRA Actor who was born in Pennsylvania, USA, earned his Associates of Arts Degree in Psychology and Bachelors of Science Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Liberty University. He is the middle of three children of Patricia and David Benton Sr. also from Pennsylvania, USA. Kevin caught the acting bug early while appearing in student stage plays in grade school, in which he really enjoyed. As a Young Adult, after retiring from playing Professional Basketball, Kevin got his passion for acting renewed while spending some time with his family in Florida during the summers. During this time, Kevin made his way to Orlando, Florida where he was frequently cast as a featured extra (Jack's Dying Scene) and as an extra in the Cairo Street Scene in the "Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular." Kevin was regularly cast as an Evil Lab Worker in "Disaster! A Major Motion Picture Ride ... Starring You," a dark ride attraction at Universal Studios Florida. The ride, set on a sound stage of a fictitious movie company, Disaster! was based on the park's former Earthquake: The One Big ride, which comically illustrates how special effects are filmed for use in movies. Kevin was also cast in a featured role as the Sea Captain in "The Backlot Tour" (Nautica Battle Scene) at Disney's Hollywood Studios as well which has since closed. Kevin played his first notable role as the Casino Security Guard in the Multi Award-Winning Short Film, "Misfits" (2015). Kevin's first paid acting role was when he was cast as a ring side Fight Fan in the MGM featured film, "CREED" (2015), starring Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone. "CREED" was produced by Sylvester Stallone and written and directed by Ryan Coogler, who also wrote and directed "Fruitvale Station." The film was regarded as a "Rocky" spin-off movie where Rocky Balboa, played by Sylvester Stallone, is now training and mentoring his late friend Apollo Creed's son, Adonis Creed, played by franchise newcomer, Michael B. Jordan. This experience reignited Kevin's passion for acting from a professional standpoint and he immediately enrolled in acting classes with decorated and Legendary Actor John Kenneth McGregor at the "Walking Fish Theater" in Philadelphia, PA. and continues to take classes in order to hone his craft. Kevin has also studied under the tutelage of some other decorated Actors and Artistic Directors such as Nakia Dillard (Aikan Acts Acting Academy) and Melvin Williams (Theater For A New Generation) in New York City. Melvin Williams credits include but are not limited to coaching some of the top talent in the Industry such as: Queen Latifah, Common, Michael K. Williams, Paula Patton, Mary J. Blige, Rick Ross, Dwight Howard, Jill Scott and many more. Melvin Williams took on the role of Co-Director in 2014 with "For Thine Is the Kingdom" and was also the Acting Coach and Artistic Director of many productions such as "Brotherly Love" by Jamal Hill, "But Deliver Us from Evil," "Bessie," "The Cook Out," "Just Wright," "The Cookout Two," "Precious," "Iniquity," "Disillusion," "A Dance for Grace," "The Equalizer" starring Queen Latifah and many, many more notable projects. With this said, Kevin purposed to accept the life long journey of constantly learning, growing and developing as an Actor and to pursue Film, T.V. and screen opportunities in earnest. He is most known for his roles in the feature film, "Jason's Letter" starring Vivica A. Fox, which premiered on the STARZ Network, feature film, "BRUSIED" starring and Directed by Halle Berry, which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival, in select theaters around the country and globally on Netflix, in the TV Series, True Crime Epic Mysteries and House of Cards just to name a few. Kevin was also featured on "Power Book II: Ghost," on "FBI," on "Godfather of Harlem" and many other notable TV shows, feature films, short films, music videos and commercials. Among other acting awards, Kevin won the (2018) "SPIRAL Film & Music Awards" "Best Film Actor" award for his role as Bobby Mason in "Emergency Landing" which won "Film of the Year" at the Rodney L. Cherry Productions "Blossom Awards." Kevin also won the (2020) "SPIRAL Film & Music Awards" "Best Male Radio Show Host" and was the Host of both events respectively. In all of his accomplishments, with more on the way, Kevin continues to focus on the honor and privilege it is to serve the art of acting well and use his gifts, talents and abilities to help other people, especial kids, while doing so.