B.J. Mitchell movie list

BJ Mitchell was born January 27 as Anthony Mitchell and the oldest of 2 children. He began acting in Atlanta Georgia at the age of 5. He booked his first national McDonald's commercial at age six, soon after booking a national Toy R Us Commercial, then a national Campbell Soup Commercial. BJ began doing voice work for Cartoon Network in Atlanta and at age 7 made his first movie debut in the film World Traveler. At age 9 BJ's mother moved he and his sister to Los Angels to pursue his acting career. Within months of arriving in Los Angels BJ landed his first series regular role on the WB series Like Family as Bobby Ward. BJ later began booking roles on major network series such as NBC's Harry's Law, Nickelodeon's How to Rock and Instant Mom, CBS's NCIS, ABC's Blackish and Uncle Buck, MTV's Faking It, ABC Family's The Fosters and Bones on Fox. BJ also stars in Netflix original series Greenhouse Academy as Parker Grant. BJ is a talented and passionate actor currently residing in Los Angeles, California.