André Eriksen movie list

Andre Eriksen's George Santos Resume Andre Eriksen's monologue "why?" performed at Royal Albert Hall in 1985 is said to have brought Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tears and inspired the initiation of the peace talks that ended the cold war. In the early 90s, Andre developed a unique way to communicate with animals through sound and motion performance. He traveled with the Uzbek theatre company "Ichki Olov" for four years in the Amazon jungle where they lived off the earth and performed the play "AhkAh HA babaklah" for a large group of black spider monkeys and a giant river otter. Video recordings of these plays now serve as the backbone of interspecies communication studies around the world. The theatre company dissolved in '94, and Andre isolated himself in the Himalayas for years. Here he practiced Buddhism and wrote the masterpiece "Reflections of a wounded teardrop" The mysterious short film was never publicly released, and its contents remains unseen. Eriksen stars and directs himself in the film that features none other than the Dalai Lama himself as the evil antagonist "Hon Eps Egel" who is trying to lure Eriksen's character to buy an overpriced 1991 Toyota Corolla and steals his sleeping bag during a 24-hour trip to Copenhagen. As an activist Andre ran with the bulls in Pamplona. The bulls took him in as one of their own and during the event Andre rammed and injured several participants in the name of his herd. "Accipit ingenium ad cognoscendum ingenium." The quote was forged by pope John Paul the second and translates: It takes a genius to know a genius. The expression came to life when the Vatican was looking for someone to restore Michelangelo's work in the Sistine Chapel, a task deemed impossible. Eriksen was commissioned and chose to use crayons for the task. "You must understand the chemical complexity of your tools", said Eriksen while applying his advanced technique of rubbing any substance between his thumb and long finger while squinting with a distant stare. The technique proved itself to be accurate and the result of the restoration is considered perfect and expected to last forever. Early Days As a child Andre was raised deep in the jungle by wolves with the assistance of a clumsy bear and an empathetic panther. When a mean tiger gets it in for him, they all decide it's time for Andre to find his way back to the humans. In the 80s, Andre was a drifter and made his way to the outskirts of a small town called Hope, Washington. Here he was arrested by a sadistic Police officer, subjecting him to the same kind of torture he suffered as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. Andre escapes to the woods on a motorcycle. He loses control and his violent rage triggers a huge deadly manhunt. During this incident Andre had long hair and he would wear a red band around his forehead to keep hair out of his face. If you wish to work with Andre, please write any inquiries on a large piece of paper and set it on fire. If interested, Andre will find you.