Hana Mae Lee movie list

A one of a kind creative who does it all, Hana Mae Lee is an award-winning actress, fashion designer, artist, writer, filmmaker and make-up artist. Hana Mae began her career starring in commercials like the Cannes Lions and ANDY award winning "It Must Be Love" aka "Best Friends (Cars/People)" for Honda and in music videos such as the Grammy nominated "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers. Her TV credits include the Multi-Emmy winning series "Mike & Molly", Golden Globe winning "Californication", Golden Globe nominated "Better Things", Critics Choice nominated "Patriot", critically-acclaimed neo-noir series "Perpetual Grace, Ltd." and many more. Her film credits include the highest grossing musical-franchise of all time, "Pitch Perfect" which was nominated and won several awards including best comedy, fetching Hana Mae a Scene Stealer nomination then being followed by its two subsequent sequels. Hana Mae went on to star in McG's horror-comedy, "The Babysitter" and its sequel, "The Babysitter: Killer Queen". Her magazine credits include: Vogue Korea, Wonderland, Schön and more. An Alumni of Otis College of Art and Design with a BFA in fashion design, Hana Mae worked with many design houses and as an image/style consultant before starting her own line, Hanamahn (aka "just one" in Korean). Her Hanamahn designs are all one of a kind works that are worn by collectors, musicians, business creatives and actors. Currently, you can watch Hana Mae in the animated series "Ultra City Smiths" by acclaimed director/writer Steve Conrad streaming now on AMC+. Coming up, Hana Mae plays the leading role of Chelsea in a horror-puppet/animated feature by Evan Marlowe, "Abruptio".