J. Alphonse Nicholson movie list

J. Alphonse Nicholson is an American born actor and percussionist. Notable credits include TV/FILM: Series Regular on "P-Valley" (STARZ),"Just Mercy" (Warner Brothers) "Madam CJ Walker" (Netflix), "Blue Bloods (CBS), "Mr. Robot Season 2" (USA), "Shots Fired" (FOX), "Marvel's Luke Cage" (Netflix), "Tales" (BET) "The Blacklist" (NBC), "Chicago PD" (NBC). Other credits: BROADWAY: Roundabouts "A Soldiers Play" ,OFF-BROADWAY: Signature Theatre's PARADISE BLUE (Blue), 2nd Stage "Days of Rage" and "FREIGHT" (NFT). Love to my boy my girl and my wife Nafeesha.