Rafal Zawierucha movie list

Rafal Zawierucha was born in 1986, in Cracow, Poland. In 2012 he graduated from National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw. After the first year in Theater Academy as the one of the best students he got an invitation to the acting workshop in Watermill Center, New York 2008 Summer Program with one of the most famous theater director Robert Wilson. When he was still in the Academy, he got a main part in "Heritage", a great movie directed by one of the best Polish directors, Andrzej Baranski. A year after finishing school he joined to the one of the famous stage in the country Warsaw Modern Theatre - "Teatr Wspolczesny" where he took part in plays such as 'Hamlet' , "When the Barbarians Came", "Platonov", "Bucharest Calling" and "Fantazy". In the cinema area, he is best known for Heritage (2011), Gods (2014), and Afterimage (2016) directed by Andrzej Wajda. He is also a host of a documentary TV series for Discovery Canal plus - "Film Poland" and "Film Europe", where he traveling around Poland and the rest of Europe looking for places known from famous movies. During trips he met producers, directors and movie people, who have worked by the best films in the history of the world culture. In 2018 he starred in Quentin Tarantino's "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" as Roman Polanski. The next movie that he booked in US was "The Soviet Sleep Experiment" shooting in Minneapolis.